Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Letters 1-4

Think of ways in which people throughout the ages have explored the unknown. Name someone or a group of people. Identify some reasons why individuals devote themselves to a life of exploration and discovery. Does such devotion involve sacrifices?


Julie said...

There have been many people who have explored the unknown. The pioneers who traveled to the western coast of the United States such as Lewis and Clark were explores of the unknown. Another example is Neil Armstrong and everybody who was launched on the first space ship to the moon.

People would devote themselves to a life of exploration because it is something that they are really interested in. They want to be able to say that they took part in the makings of new discoveries. This devotion does involve sacrifices. They wouldn't be able to do everything they wanted to. They would have to neglect some aspect of their life, whether it be loved ones, a job, etc., in order to achieve their goal.

Michael said...

Some people that have gone explored the far off and unknown are people like Columbus, Magellan, or groups such as the NASA astronauts.
People devote themselves to a life of exploration and discovery for many reasons. Some do it to satisfy an urge, for great potential wealth, to obtain knowledge, and some for reasons unknown.
Such devotion definitely requires sacrifice. Explorers risk everything when venturing into the unknown and they are often leaving behind their friends and families in spite of it. Exploration can be dangerous so there is a high amount of risk to it.

Caroline said...

Columbus explored the unknown when on his voyage to see if the world was flat. Another example would be Henry Hudson, the first European to ascend the Hudson River. These great explorers devoted themselves to exploration because they were interested in the unknown and wanted to make names for themselves. They wanted to be labeled as great discoverers and explorers. Such devotion to exploring the world takes great sacrifice and many explorers become lonely because they had to leave their families and lives behind.

emalie said...

Throughout the course of history, ordinary people have taken their status to the extraordianry by exploring the unknown. The first type of unknown that popped into my head was that of the literary adventurists. People like J.K. Rowling and George Orwell are a couple of names on the list.

People decide to devote themselves to seeking the unknown for multiple reasons. Perhaps they only want glory and fame, or to "scratch the itch" of a desire for more knowledge. Some simply want to live what they are passionate about like Frankenstein. Yes, such a life does indeed involve sacrifices, but most people who pursue this lifestyle do not mind giving up other things for what they love.

emalie said...

Caroline, I agree with your response and like that you mentioned that many choose to live like this often become lonely and separated from the rest of the world.

Kara said...

People have explored the new world in the United States. Christopher Colombus was the first one to discover the New World. People devote themselves to a life of exploration and discovery because they want fame or they like the adventure. It involves some sacrifices, such as leaving a family, or job, and the explorers lose touch with where they came from. It is also dangerous because the explorer does not know what they will find.

Boyang said...

Some people's dream is to explored the unknown.For them, spending their whold life to explored the unknow is not a sacrifice.

I admired people like that.Because they found their goal of their life. Becuase this goal,they will never give up.They totally love to do this.No matter how hard is, no matter what people said about them.It is just when you find your dream, when you find something you want to spend your whole life to do it, then everything else is not important.

Charlotte said...

From the dawn of time, mankind has explored the unknown. The early men migrated to distant lands, which began man's journey to uncover the mysteries of the world. Groups such as the Vikings, and individuals, like Columbus all paved the way for modern exploration. One man who took exploring unknown to a whole new level was Neil Armstrong, the first man to walk on the moon. Neil Armstrong, like many other astronauts, devoted himself to moving exploration in a celestial direction, by exploring life outside of Earth. Astronauts explore to expand our knowledge of space and better our understanding of the world in which we live. With exploration comes the possibility of glory and fame, as well as sacrifices. When exploring something unknown, there are always risks of injury and fatality. True explorers take these risks in the name of discovery, in the hope of uncovering the wonders of the universe.

Morpheus said...

People explore the unknown every hour of the day in all parts of the world. Whether it is in the ocean or in space, or their very own backyard. Astronauts, scuba divers, and just a child wanting to know what is in the forest in his backyard have strive to see, explore, and understand the mysteries that are in the places that they explore. There are places that range from the extreme nature to the technological side. Every person that goes and explores make sacrifices. Their devotion to what their exploration is so intense that it causes them to give up what is needed to succeed in finding and solving the mysteries that are presented to them. Why they have such deep devotion to what they’re exploring is different from person to person. It could be out of curiosity, or out of the love of the subject, maybe it is to save so one or a species. It could be that they are being forced to explore their subjects. This deep devotion to their exploration can cause lack of sleep, food, water, any necessity need to sustain life and their own enjoyments and love ones.

afnester said...

An example of people searching through the unthinkable to find the unknown is Galileo who studied stars, galaxies and the solar system. He studied how they came to be and possibly why, which is a great tie with science and religion. This was a risky study, because people back then believed that science and religion are separate, just like church and state. Galileo brought the idea that God has created this universe, which caused an uproar or rejoicing. This nearly cost him his life, an ultimate sacrifice to this study, which he devoted his life to do. He devoted such a thing, because it was a passion of his, just every other before and after him.

Jessica said...

The Wright brothers were extremely brave and explored the unknown. They wanted to make the big discovery they ended up making. They could have lost their lives trying to fly, but they wanted make that discovery even more than that. Devotion does involve sacrifices because everything doesn't come to everyone easily.

emily said...

People explore the unknown in a variety of ways. Columbus explored the unknown by traveling across the Atlantic Ocean, not 100% sure of what he was going to come across. NASA astronauts are constantly exploring the unknown and are completely devoted to their work. This kind of devotion takes enormous sacrifice. Often, this sacrifce often comes in the form of the neglect of another part of a person's life, like a loved one.

Alexis said...

Two people would be Lewis and Clark. When the Louisiana Purchase was made they decided to travel this unknown land. They ended up being the first ever from the American colonies to ever travel across the continent. Another that has explored the unknown not in a traveling sense would be Watson and Crick. They discovered the molecular structure of DNA. They explored the unknown through biology, which can be as risky as traveling. People are curious. They want to find discoveries that would make history and be beneficial to history. There are side factors of them wanting to be famous and well known too. All needs of exploration and discovery involve sacrifices. It could be by danger or by risking the view of society would have upon you afterwards.

Alexis said...

Emalie, I agree with what you said about J.K. Rowling and George Orwell being adventurous in a literary sense. Those two definitely explored unusual but exciting ways of writing.

Chelsea said...

People have been exploring the unknown for all of life. Christopher Columbus and the other numerous explorers who went into th unknown of there time. The first astronauts to explore the moon and the first person to fly an airplane all were people who explored the unknown. People devote themselves to a life of exploration and discovery because they have a drive within themselves to find out what is out there and to make the unknown, known. They have that curiosity which keeps bugging them until they do somehting about it. Also they may want to be that someone who will go down in history for their discovery but most of all they have a love and passion for whatever they pursue, such as chemistry and the human being for Frankenstein. Certainly this devotion demands sacrifices. It consumes your whole life; it is your life and like what happened to Frankenstein, you get so involved that you lose contact with those loved ones around you.

Nathaniel said...
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Nathaniel said...

There have been a myriad of explorers throughout history. One of these was Cortes. He, like every other explorer, sacrificed months of his life in order to destroy the Aztec nation and obtain an enormous fortune, power, and fame. While all explorers don’t quite achieve the same rewards as Cortes, all have to sacrifice at least as much. People devote themselves to exploration for many reasons. A few of their reasons might be to become famous and wealthy or to kill a few thousand people they have never seen or heard of.

grace said...

All explorers understand that in order to accomplish any goal they must make sacrifices. An explorer is someone who is fearless when it comes to reaching beyond the common knowledge. They focus all of their intentions on their curiosity, making anything possible. For example, the pilgrims were adventurers who came to America by risking their lives in order to find a new home that they could say that they established.

Luke said...

Many people have explored the unknown, some on their own initative and others by force. One group of explorers of the unkown was the founders of the World Unity Campaign. They had little to no idea of how the populace would respond to an organization designed to fundamentally change the governmental system of the entire world by reorganizing it into a democratic republic oligarchial state. I am sure that this required much bravery and ingenuity and anyone who reads this should consider supporting them if they do not already do so.
There are many reasons for the exploration of the unkown. Among these are the pursuit of knowledge, adventure, fame, wealth, the betterment of the human race (as in the case of the World Unity Campaign, and many other diverse reasons. It always requires sacrifice, but the results are often rewarding.