Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Chapters 1-10 Extending Your Response

Literature Groups-Choose ONE

1-What can you infer about Frankenstein's character from his close personal relationships? his scientific project? In your opinion, is he an appealing person?
2-Do you think that Frankenstein went too far in his quest for knowledge? Did he have a good motive for his project? Did he have adequate knowledge to begin his project? Did he consider possible consequences of his actions?
3-How is Frankenstein affected by what happens after he abandons the creature? Why does he call himself the "true murderer" of William?

Chapters 1-10 Focus Activity

Do you think person B has a responsiblity to person A in each situation?
1-A falls of B's roof while mending it.
2-B walks by A, who is homeless and begging on the street.
3-B lends A his car, which has faulty brakes, and A has an accident.

Letters 1-4

Think of ways in which people throughout the ages have explored the unknown. Name someone or a group of people. Identify some reasons why individuals devote themselves to a life of exploration and discovery. Does such devotion involve sacrifices?